Last updated:
December 5, 2023
Written by
Daniel Wang

Navigating Winter Roads: Essential Tips for Safe Driving

Winter brings a unique, chilly set of challenges for motorists. From icy roads to limited visibility, driving through the colder months needs preparation and caution.

Preparation and Equipment for Winter Driving:

Ensuring a safe winter journey begins with proper vehicle prep!

  • Winter Tyres for Improved Grip: Set up your vehicle with winter tyres for better grip on icy roads. They stay effective even in low temperatures, providing safety in various winter conditions. For areas with less severe winter weather, you could consider all-season tyres as a good alternative.
  • Car Battery Maintenance: Cold weather puts extra strain on car batteries. Check your battery's health before winter, and replace it if necessary to avoid startup issues on cold mornings!
  • Regular Checks on Lights and Antifreeze: Visibility is very important on roads during the winter months, so regularly clean and check all car lights. Make sure that you have enough antifreeze in your coolant to prevent your engine from freezing and your car not starting. A good ratio to go with is to use 50-50 antifreeze-to-water.
  • Essential Winter Tools: Have an ice scraper and de-icer handy to clear your windscreen and windows. Keep jump leads in your car to deal with battery issues in an emergency, and consider carrying a broom and shovel for snowy conditions.

Driving Tips for Snow, Ice, and High Winds:

Navigating winter roads safely involves adapting your driving techniques:

  • Use second gear to start in snowy conditions and apply brakes gently to prevent skidding.
  • Reduce speed and keep both hands firmly on the wheel when driving in high winds.
  • Increase your following distance to account for longer stopping distances on icy roads.

Visibility Measures:

As you may have guessed by now, visibility seems to be our buzzword for driving in the winter.

Visibility goes both ways, so you need to make sure that you ensure all windows, lights, and number plates are free of snow and ice, and use headlights and fog lights correctly to improve visibility. In addition, make sure to replace worn or damaged wiper blades to maintain a clear windshield so you can see the most possible. 

Follow Ozoomi’s COLD SNAP: Winter Driving Emergency Supplies Checklist

C  -  Charge: Always keep your mobile phone fully charged and carry a backup charger or power bank.
O -  Outerwear: Pack extra warm clothing and blankets, including jackets, hats, gloves, and scarves for insulation.
L  -  Lights: Carry a torch or flashlight with spare batteries for visibility and signalling in the dark.
D  -  Drinks and Nutrition: Stock high-energy snacks like energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits along with bottled water to maintain energy and hydration.
S  -  Safety Vest: Include a high-visibility vest to wear if you need to exit the vehicle in low visibility conditions.
N  -  Necessities Kit: Have a basic first aid kit and any personal medications easily accessible.
A  -  Assistance Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contact numbers, including breakdown services.
P  -  Portable Heat Packs: Add portable heat packs for extra warmth in case of long waits in cold conditions.

Our COLD SNAP checklist makes sure that you're equipped with most important supplies for emergency situations and personal comfort during winter driving!

Remember, winter driving demands extra caution and preparation. By following our tips and being mindful of the changing road conditions, you can help to reduce the risks linked to winter driving.

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