Last updated:
July 15, 2024
Written by
Daniel Wang

Car Insurance Options in the UK

Whether you're a new driver, looking to switch insurance providers, or seeking to understand additional coverages for financed vehicles, we are here to help with this guide! We'll explore the types of car insurance available, give some tips into ways to potentially reduce your premiums, and highlight the importance of GAP insurance for financed cars.

The Basics of Car Insurance

Car insurance is a legal requirement for anyone driving on public roads in the UK. It's to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestrians from financial loss in the event of an accident. There are several types of car insurance, and each of these offer a different ‘level’ of coverage. So let’s look at these differences to help you select a policy that matches your needs and budget.

How Does Car Insurance Work?

The process of making a car insurance claim begins immediately following an incident. You should inform your insurance provider about the accident as soon as possible, providing all relevant and important details including the time, date, location, and type of incident, as well as any other people involved.

Documentation is really important, so try to collect as much evidence as possible like photos of the damage, witness statements, and a police report (if applicable). These can really help your case.

Your insurer will then guide you through their claims process, which usually involves filling out a claim form and submitting the evidence. An insurance adjuster may be assigned to assess the damage either in person or through submitted photos.

Following the evaluation, the insurer will determine how much financial coverage you will get based on the details of your insurance policy, and the circumstances of the claim. If your claim is approved, the insurance provider will either arrange for repairs at an approved garage, provide a payout for the cost of damages, or both, depending on the policy terms.

3 Main Types of Car Insurance Coverage

1. Fully Comprehensive Insurance

This is the most inclusive option available. Fully comprehensive insurance offers broad protection. It covers damages to your vehicle, personal injury, and third-party liabilities (this is when you are financially protected if you are considered responsible for damages/injury to another person or their property).

Even though it offers the most coverage, it isn’t always the most expensive coverage. This is because the ‘risk profile’ of drivers choosing this insurance option are considered generally more cautious by the insurance companies.

2. Third-Party Insurance

As the minimum legal requirement in the UK, third-party insurance is the minimum coverage required by law in the UK. It's designed to cover the cost of damages or injuries to other people (including passengers) and their property in an accident that you're responsible for. However, it doesn't cover any damage to your own vehicle.

It may seem as though third-party insurance would be the cheapest option, as it offers the minimum amount of coverage. However, it doesn't always offer the lowest premiums. This is, like with fully comprehensive insurance, due to risk assessment that insurers perform. Drivers opting for third-party coverage are historically more likely to make a claim.

Why? This group often includes younger drivers and those with less expensive cars, who may choose third-party insurance to save money. Insurers therefore adjust their premiums to account for the higher risks of claims.

3. Third-Party, Fire, and Theft Insurance

This is a coverage in the ‘middle-ground,’ that is an extension of third-party insurance to include theft or fire damage to your vehicle. However, it still does not cover accident damages to your car.

Cost-wise, it is highly dependent on the age and driving history of the driver, as well as the make and model of the car being insured.

Additional Types of Car Insurance

Pay-As-You-Go Car Insurance

If your annual mileage is on the lower side, or if high premiums for young drivers are a concern, a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) car insurance policy could be worth looking into.

PAYG insurance typically involves a base rate that covers the vehicle for non-driving risks (like fire, theft, and vandalism when parked) and then adds charges based on the actual usage of the car.

This usage can be measured in miles driven (pay-per-mile), the time spent driving (pay-per-hour/day), or driving behaviour (telematics).

  • Pay-Per-Mile Insurance: Ideal for infrequent drivers, this insurance type charges you based on the actual miles you drive.
  • Pay Per Hour / Pay Per Day: Instead of calculating costs by mileage, this option factors in the time you spend driving.

Ideal candidates:

  • Low-mileage drivers (usually less than 7500 a year, but this can vary)
  • People with secondary vehicles
  • People whose commuting needs have changed, like remote workers

Benefits of pay-per-mile and pay-per-time-used:

  • It encourages less frequent driving with the incentive of lower insurance costs, tracked through devices installed in your car.
  • Coverage under PAYG policies can range from the legal minimum (third party only) to comprehensive, allowing you to tailor your policy to your needs.

Potential restrictions

  • Annual Mileage Cap: Some PAYG policies may have an upper limit on the annual mileage. Exceeding this limit could result in higher rates or the need to adjust your policy.
  • Cost Efficiency: For drivers who end up driving more than they initially expected, PAYG insurance might become less cost-effective compared to traditional insurance policies - so it is important to track your mileage properly.

Telematics Insurance

Telematics insurance is a form of PAYG insurance, but is rather ‘pay how you drive’. It is ideal for young drivers or those considered high-risk. This policy, also known as black box insurance, involves installing a device in your car, or the use of an app on your smartphone that monitors your driving behaviour. This tracks various aspects of driving, like speed, acceleration, braking habits, and the time of day you drive.

Ideal candidates for this type of insurance are:

  • Young drivers who typically face high premiums due to their lack of experience on the road.
  • Drivers with a history of accidents or traffic violations or breach, categorised as high-risk.

Benefits of telematics insurance

  • Personalised premiums: Instead of paying a standard rate, your premiums reflect your actual driving habits. Safe driving can lead to lower insurance costs.
  • Encourages Safe Driving: Knowing your driving is being monitored can encourage better driving habits, potentially reducing the risk of accidents.

Potential restrictions

  • Policies might include conditions like curfews, limiting driving at high-risk times (e.g., late at night), which may not suit everyone.

Classic Car Insurance

This type of insurance is tailored for cars over ten years old. It often leads to lower premiums due to possible usage restrictions. Insurers recognise that these cars are usually driven less frequently and with more care than regular vehicles, and usually for leisure purposes rather than daily commuting.

Ideal candidates for this type of insurance are:

  • Owners of vintage, classic, or antique cars
  • People who drive their classic cars relatively infrequently (car shows, club events, or occasional leisure outings).

Benefits of classic car insurance

  • Lower Premiums: The restricted usage and lower risk of claims often result in lower premiums compared to standard car insurance.
  • Agreed Value Coverage: Policies often provide an agreed value cover. This is when the insurer and the policyholder agree on the car's value when the policy is taken out, to make sure that it is appropriately covered for its actual worth.

Potential restrictions to consider

  • Usage Limitations: There may be restrictions on how much you can drive the car under the policy.
  • Condition and storage requirements: Insurers might have specific requirements for how the car is stored and maintained to reduce risk.

Temporary Car Insurance

Offers short-term coverage, perfect for borrowing a car or for temporary vehicle sharing.

Temporary car insurance short-term coverage ranging from a few hours to several months. It's a great solution for drivers who need insurance for a short period without committing to a yearly policy.

Ideal candidates:

  • Drivers borrowing a car from a friend or family member for a short trip.
  • People using a rental car who would like extra coverage than only the rental company's insurance.
  • Car owners lending their vehicle to someone else temporarily.

Benefits of temporary car insurance:

  • Flexibility: Offers coverage for precisely the amount of time needed, from a single day up to a few weeks or months.
  • Immediate coverage: Policies can usually be arranged relatively quickly online, with immediate effect and validity.
  • No Long-term Commitments: Avoids the need to take out a commitment to a long-term insurance policy.

Potential restrictions to consider

  • Cost efficiency: While it is convenient for short periods, the daily rate for temporary insurance tends to be higher than the pro-rated cost of a standard annual policy for the same duration.
  • Coverage limits: The level of coverage and the options available might be more limited compared to standard policies.

GAP Insurance for Financed Vehicles

Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) Insurance offers unique protection for financed vehicles. Unlike standard car insurance that compensates based on the vehicle's market value at the time of a claim, GAP insurance is designed to bridge the monetary difference if your car is considered a total loss or is written off while you are the listed owner.

The type of GAP insurances available are as follows:

  • Return to Value (RTV): For cars bought more than 6 months ago.
  • Return to Invoice (RTI): Covers the gap between the insurance payout and the original purchase price for vehicles bought within the last 6 months.
  • Contract Hire GAP Insurance: Ideal for leased vehicles, covering the gap between the insurance payout and outstanding lease obligations.

We have a whole blog you can read to find out Is GAP Insurance Right for My Financed Car?

Choosing the right car insurance policy involves understanding the different types of coverage available, how premiums are calculated, and the specific needs of your vehicle, especially if it's financed!

If you are interested in tips on how to reduce your insurance premium - we have that covered too! Check out our blog Tips to Reduce Your Car Insurance Premium.

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